Stations Of The Cross ✝

Good Friday is the day Jesus was crucified on the cross. It is like a tradition, every year Room 8 shows the juniors what Jesus had gone through. We act it out so it could be more understandable, and easier to strengthen our belief. 


It was so silent, the sun grew dim as we started our act. My role was to read the script, like a narrator. As I was reading the script and watching my fellow classmates playing their role, I could feel the pain and suffering Jesus felt.


First station, Jesus is condemned. 

In this station Jesus was unfairly accused for spreading His faith and beliefs with people that needed to be saved. Pontius Pilot falsely declares Jesus as guilty due to the pressure of the crowd.

This tells us that people sometimes forget their own values and morals just to keep our wealth or power.


Twelfth Station, Jesus dies on the cross.

Once Jesus knew that everything had been completed He yelled out “ It is finished! “ Than gives up his spirit. Jesus had done no wrong but died for our sins. 


These 2 stations for me made me feel a mixed of emotions, seeing my classmate playing the role of Jesus act out what He went through made me feel devastated. Seeing and feeling what Jesus went through. As a follower and believer of Jesus it has always been hard listening and watching stories of Jesus’ crucifixion knowing that it was our sins that caused it. The 1st Station shows us an example of peer pressure as well as knowing that doing the right thing will always have a bad effect on others.


After all the stations were done, Daniel sang “ Were You There.” His singing was so magnificent and beautiful.  I have no words to express how soothing and magical it was to hear the perfect rhythm, melody and most importantly the words that were sung.


These 2 stations show Jesus’ everlasting love for us, it tells us that no matter how much we struggle, we must keep going till the end.

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