“How Can We Save Endangered Life”

We can save endangered creations by looking after our world more, because the world is a gift from God full of wondrous adventures. We can start off by throwing rubbish instead of throwing it everywhere. We can also look after  animals like birds that are endangered because of pests.


Pests like possums, ferrets, feral cats and lots more that eat little bird eggs, kill animals and eat them which makes animals get extinct and that is very bad because god gifted us food, sheep using its fur to make clothes. We also need to stop cutting down healthy trees all the time because trees give us oxygen to breathe and birds use it to hide from their predators.


We hurt the environment by building more and more factories which makes more smoke then the smoke goes up into the atmosphere and damages the atmosphere and hurt the birds that flies by with the smoke and makes them dirty. Another reason why we shouldn’t throw rubbish everywhere is because the rubbish goes into the drains and the drain takes the rubbish to the sea, which means that the sea creatures would think that the plastic is food and eat it, then they choke and die which is very sad. 




2 thoughts on ““How Can We Save Endangered Life”

  1. Ki Ora Sulia, It’s Madelyn I have checked your work and its absolutely wonderful! You have put in a lot of details, keep up the good work 😀

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